Friday, 13 February 2015

The Five Minute Cricket World Cup Preview

With the Cricket World Cup upon us, there are countless previews out there online and in print. But in this all too fast world of ours, who has time to read those wordy, well-though out previews? Instead, let me offer you this easy to understand, quick to read guide that will tell you everything you need to know about the longest sports tournament ever. Please note there are three teams listed as making the final, and five as making the quarters. This is because they are impossible to split.


Batting: Flaky
Bowling: Match-winning
Fielding: Poor
Position: Group


Batting: Good
Bowling: Good
Fielding: Good
Position: Final


Batting: Confused
Bowling: Spinning
Fielding: Okay
Position: Group


Batting: Prepared
Bowling: One-paced
Fielding: Fine
Position: Quarters


Batting: Uncomfortable
Bowling: Thumped
Fielding: Hmm
Position: Quarters


Batting: Starters
Bowling: Promising
Fielding: Acceptable
Position: Quarters

New Zealand

Batting: Striking
Bowling: Watchable
Fielding: Sure
Position: Final


Batting: Misbahesque
Bowling: Lacking
Fielding: Eh
Position: Quarters


Batting: Learning
Bowling: Surprise
Fielding: Yes
Position: Group

South Africa

Batting: Wow
Bowling: 4/5
Fielding: Proven
Position: Final

Sri Lanka

Batting: Top-heavy
Bowling: Heralinga
Fielding: Affirmative
Position: Quarters

United Arab Emirates

Batting: Tries
Bowling: No
Fielding: Exists
Position: Group

West Indies

Batting: Careless
Bowling: Demoralised
Fielding: Athletic
Position: Group


Batting: Possibly
Bowling: Hopeful
Fielding: Re-energised
Position: Group

In a decade six weeks from now, once the tournament finally finishes, we will know how accurate these words are.

But if we're wrong, we won't post a correction, because who has time for that in today's world? Who cares? We can just say whatever we like without any consequences, because that's how the media works, right?


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